Thyroid Health
Let’s Talk Thyroid Health.
If you’re here reading this, it’s possible you have a thyroid condition like hypothyroid or Hashimoto’s and you’re looking for support and real information that will help your understanding or perhaps you’re just curious, either way, please continue.
If you’re looking for details about what the thyroid does and the nutrition it requires, there are many other blogs and web pages that can give you this information so I’ll move on. There are some great books out there so if you’d like more info about that, go to my ‘contact me’ page and email me and I’ll forward you some suggestions.
Perhaps you’ve been feeling really tired and just ‘not quite right.’ Perhaps your hair is falling out. Is your skin dry? Are you more cold than usual? Brain fog? Weight gain? Joint pain? Fatty liver?
Perhaps you went to get a blood test and everything looks pretty normal. But is it? This I where I come in. Getting the right direction is important as it will save you time and overall it will save you money. Finding out the best way to discover the real status of your thyroid health and more importantly, the reasons your thyroid is struggling in the first place is essential to getting back on the road in the direction of healing.
Blood Testing.
If you go to your GP for a blood test you will likely get TSH and if you’re lucky a T4 reading. If you have Hyperthyroid, TSH readings can be informative. If you have Hypothyroid, TSH and T4 may not give you enough information. there may be antibodies present and they can not be discovered unless a comprehensive thyroid test is carried out. Without checking the other markers for the thyroid, a true understanding can not be discovered. A comprehensive thyroid test reading will set you up with more knowledge and this is key to knowing where to go next. The comprehensive reading will give you information in the areas of TSH, T3, T4, RT3 and thyroid antibodies. These results indicate the next steps to take.
Depending on your results, some of the areas that may need to be tested and addressed are hormone health, liver health, gut health, nutritional deficiencies, excesses, gluten intake and lifestyle factors. Your initial consultation will tell your health story which brings the treatment plan together.
I will use my Naturopathic understanding and more importantly, my Homeopathic understanding to address these issues. Your healing plan will be completely tailored to your specific needs.